At first I wasn't going to write about this, because I felt I have touched on it before, but after talking to the BF and seeing as how I've been neglecting my beloved blog, I figured I'd give it a go AGAIN.
When I was in elementary school, not any older than 10 or 11, I wrote this song called I'm not going back. The lyrics talked about a woman or girl for that matter, who was not going back to the way things used to be. In the song she was talking about not going back to a bad relationship. I'm still amazed at how my young mind conceived concepts that are so relevant to the lives of women I know now.
Well for a while I applied that song to my hair. For a while I did not think about going back to a relaxer. But now my song has changed. As I'm approaching my 2 year natural hair anniversary (Dec 24th), I can't help but think about the blunted bob I want to get and how it would look nice with relaxed hair.
The goal of this journey was to get locks. I got the locks, I didn't want to keep them, now I'm in this limbo. Should I or shouldn't I?
Only time will tell......More details to come