Sooo….My goodness.
I finally made the decision.
But I still was not up for cutting all my hair off.
So I decided to go through the long transition.
I would press out my roots.
The first month and a half wasn’t so bad.
My relaxer was just starting to grow out like normal, so it wasn’t anything that I wasn’t already used to.
By month three, I started to think that I bit off more than I could chew.
The constant flat ironing was getting to be a little much.
I hadn’t learned to love my texture yet, so I would add heat to my hair daily.
Enough was enough; I decided to get the sew-in.
My best friend said I was cheating, but hey, I thought it would let me meet my end result without all the muss and fuss.
Boy was I wrong. I kept my sew-in in my head from the end of March until the beginning of June.
It was the longest I had ever kept weave in my hair at one time.
I took it out, took down my braids, and brushed, brushed, brushed my hair.
I brushed it so it would get I matted once it was wet.
Apparently, I did not brush enough.
I ran my head under the shower, and let out a sigh of relief because my hair needed to be washed.
This relief did not last for long.
As I shampooed my tresses, I realized that it was tangled.
Wait, more than tangled.
It was, it was, oh no, it was MATTED.
I went into panic mode.
I tried putting conditioner on it to detangle.
I tried to come through it, wasn’t working.
I spent three days going through my hair, trying to detangle.
What was I going to do??
Classes would start in a couple of days.
My whole time in LA, almost two years at that point, I had never been to a professional hairstylist, but I needed professional help now.
Luckily a good friend of mine (HEY “ROOMIE” lol) was going natural as well and got her hair pressed regularly by a stylist.
She gave me the number and I made an emergency appointment for the next morning.
I went to the stylist, she tried to save my hair, but in the end, it needed to be CUT.
So I was forced into my semi BC (big chop).
To be honest, while sitting in the chair I was not happy at all.
This was not the plan I had in mind.
But it had to be done.
So I got it cut, and then styled, and when I looked in the mirror, I looked like a granny!
I didn’t like it at all!
The tears just kept flowing.
I got home took pictures to show the family the drama.
Then I said to myself….Kim… know you’ve got swag.
You can rock anything!
So I styled it myself.
I felt a whole lot better.
But please believe there were more ups and downs ahead. There was still about an inch left of permed hair on my ends……More details to come
The Weave

Semi BC

The Granny

Self Styled Swag
ReplyDeleteHey Roomie! Happy New Years! The Granny though? That is is hilarious but the Self Styled Swag is the best caption! LOL
ReplyDeletelol, Thanks!