Hey red! Hey red! I have heard this comment so many times in my life, and most times my hair wasn't even red. For those who know me, you know I have dyed my hair red numerous times. Whether is was using the temporary jazzings to add a cherry cola tint that you can only see in the sun, or if it was my Charlie Baltimore red, where I got it bleached first then dyed, RED has been my color. Previously, I always had relaxed hair when it was dyed. And for those who have been through this process, you know it looks and feels great the first 4-6 weeks until you have to go in and get that relaxer. Man, it use to be a painful event. After the relaxer was in, while at the shampoo bowl, I knew that my hair would shed, well more than shed, break off. Every time, so much hair would come out that I would swear I had a bald spot, but because my hair is super thick it never was. It just appeared slightly thinner.
This was my first time coloring my hair while "natural." I got it dyed, but at first, it was not the color I wanted. It looked more copper than the bloody red I wanted. I looked a little washed out, or as my best friend said...I looked albino. So we tried again the next day. It got closer to the red that I was going for, but still not right on. I like it though. I do feel like it has changed the texture of my hair. It feels more brittle, but I guess it means I need to moisturize more often. I've worn it both in an Afro and flat ironed, and I do like!.......More details to come.
Copper Fro

A little washed out

Red Hair Don't Care

The Red Fro

Feeling like Sheba Baby!
Nice pics you have really full hair! Hey please feel free to contact on my page too: