When I got my hair colored, once it was flat ironed it was undeniable that I needed something....A trim to be exact. I was so used to getting my ends trimmed every time that I got a relaxer that it became a routine, I never had to think about it. Since there has been a change in that routine, I HAVE to start thinking about it.
How often do you guys get your hair trimmed? My sister suggested I flat iron it every 8 weeks and go to a place like "Great Clips" to get a trim. I'm trying to find a balance between doing what I know is healthy for my hair, and wanting to retain all the length.......More details to come
Before the Trim

After the Trim
I am currently pressing and trimming every 12 weeks. The no heat styles in between really prevent split ends. I have not had to lose a lot length during my trims.
I go to JCPenny and get it washed, deep conditioned, and blown out once a month. But every other month(every 8weeks or so)I get my ends trimmed. Weeks in between I'll wash my own hair.